Guardians Ecosystem Update: August 25th
Welcome to the latest Guardians Ecosystem Update, in which we catch you up with ongoing developments as well as with some recently-revealed features bringing new opportunities to engage in the excitement across the ecosystem. The past couple weeks have been jam-packed with announcements, AMAs, and in-depth discussions delving into the direction the ecosystem is going as development drives forward, so without further ado….
cgDAO is live!
ChainGuardians governance represents a significant step toward establishing a decentralized ecosystem shaped by collective thought and by the facilitation of forward-thinking ideas and discussions. $CGG holders are empowered by the cgDAO to shape the future of the ChainGuardians ecosystem — learn more!
A brief overview of the cgDAO process:
- 1st — A proposal is formally submitted.
- 2nd — A discussion period is initiated for community input and possible change requests. Proposals can be edited and refined based on community feedback during this time.
- 3rd — After the review period, a Snapshot vote is held lasting a pre-defined length. (We are here with the Star Contract #1 proposal.)
- 4th — If the vote passes, the DAO Committee or Guardian Board will sign the necessary transaction or complete any appropriate action needed in agreement with the proposal outcome representing the people’s will.
Star Contract #1: $100,000 Reward Infusion
Star Contract #1 (Proposal #1) proposes mechanisms to boost earning potential within the ChainGuardians ecosystem. This proposal will level up the opportunities to earn for both new and longterm actively-contributing community members through participation in the various ChainGuardians gaming platforms.
If passed, this proposal will allocate $5,000 per month toward consistent and expected reward infusions, representing a $60,000 fixed fund. The proposal specifies that an additional $40,000 be established in a variable fund, with the only time-based parameter being required use within 12 months. The fixed and variable fund model facilitates predictable reward infusions while simultaneously enabling the necessary flexibility for crucial promotional periods, increased rewards for releases, and other game product-related events.
TLDR: This proposal infuses $100k in rewards to be expended across the ChainGuardians ecosystem over the next 12 months.
Voting Starts: 8.22.22 | 11 AM UTC (NOW LIVE)
Voting Ends: 8.26.22 | 11 AM UTC
➡️ Vote now! ⬅️
ChainBunnies Survival Game
The ChainBunnies Survival Game is a survival mode FPS game that pits our ever-so-flawed ChainBunnies heroes against their inadvertently evolved form: an eternally replicating horde of rabidly aggressive Zombunnies. Check out the teaser trailer for the game HERE!
ChainBunnies NFTs will act as access passes into the game — you must hold AT LEAST one Bunny to enter! If you don’t have any, check out the gleam campaign for a chance to win a Bunny or view the Opensea collection for available options!
The Alpha build for the game will be released ahead of the upcoming Zombunnies event this October — pay attention to all ChainBoost socials for official launch dates and additional announcements!
Visual & Artistic Upgrades
Did you know that ChainGuardians are invited to attend one of the world’s most prestigious fashion weeks to showcase our Superhero IP? Yeah. It’s a pretty big deal. 💇🏼 Media covering the event include Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Entrepreneur, New York Times, Glamour, Cosmopolitan, NBC, and more.
The Zombunnies comic has commenced creative ideation and exploration. What does that mean? There will be a Buntastic storyline and manga-style comic bringing these rabid rabbits alive. From art to lore, this is quite the task — in traditional crypto form, stay tuned!
Additional RPG game assets and improved modeling are on the way. The CG art team are working on revamping chibis and character models and continues expanding the list of protagonist and antagonist characters excited to enter the fray. It is important to note that we have heard you: you want more photos and updates! Please remember that we aren’t going to share EVERYTHING in the Bi-Weekly Ecosystem Updates; there needs to be some room for surprise additions and finishing touches. In the meantime, Binancio is training hard for the next update!
NFT Pool Mining & NFT Mining 2.0
Development work on ChainGuardians NFT Mining is nearing completion. All APIs have been redeployed on staging to improve stability and performance parameters. With internal testing to commence shortly, we are optimistic that NFT Pool Mining will be reenabled over the next week.
NFT Mining 2.0 will bring a new, gamified approach to the traditionally passive ChainGuardians NFT Mining experience. With more room for collaboration, improved strategic engagement, and unique team-forming tactics, Mining 2.0 will revolutionize the NFT DeFi experience within the ChainGuardians ecosystem. In preparation for bringing this experience to fruition, the database structure has been completed and the next steps are underway.
RPG Improvements
Ready, set, RPG UPDATES! The game build size has been reduced to improve accessibility and increase speed, ultimately consuming less RAM. We continue to catch up with character integrations and feel optimistic that Captain Mark, Shiko Dai, and Genni B will all be included in the next build (avoiding unforeseen issues). Quality assurance testing has progressed through initial bug identification and fix implementations. The teams are ecstatic to incorporate expanded graphic assets & gameplay logic, featuring a wider array of asset inclusion for the next update than originally anticipated. We’re working on a large-scale game update which should come to life in September.
The Future Is Coming
We’re working hard on a Future Vision Initiative. This initiative will share insights on the current ecosystem status and deliver the future vision that we feel our supporters are eagerly waiting to learn more about. This is no small task and is shrouded by a few layers of NDAs, approvals, and collaborative agreements. ChainGuardians regularly underscore the imperative nature of transparency; however, the Future Vision Initiative extends that openness to a longer-term focus.
Lastly, we want to say ‘Thank you’ for staying active and engaged during this bear market — the support from our community and loyalty expressed across our platforms assist in our unwavering motivation and inspiration to continue in building something special that we feel is positioned for long-term sustainability and that offers unparalleled uniqueness.
Until next time,
CG Ecosystem Team ❤
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