Guardians Ecosystem Update: September 15th

4 min readSep 15, 2022


Bringing an exciting new wave of updates and news to the ChainGuardians, ChainBoost, and Cryptoverse ecosystems.

Welcome to this Guardians Ecosystem Update! The past couple of weeks have been extremely busy across the Guardian’s ecosystem, including an important milestone being achieved in governance and a thrilling team expedition being undertaken to demonstrate the benefits of bridging the physical-digital divide right before the eyes of the most image-conscious industry of all. All this while important progress was achieved in the ongoing development of the Guardian’s platforms — read on for all the details!

ChainGuardians brings Phygital to New York Fashion Week

ChainGuardians has become widely known as the blockchain superhero ecosystem — NFT gaming, NFT utilities, lore, comics, art, music, and now high fashion tied to phygital merchandise! From world-renown influencers to top-tier publication platforms, ChainGuardians is at the tip of everyone’s tongue. Featuring a mainstage appearance at New York Fashion Week, we continue to move toward bridging traditional and blockchain markets while simultaneously adding brand depth and utility for our active supporters.

I mean, look at these designs. 😎

ChainGUNnies? The ChainBunnies survival game

Development is underway for the ChainBunnies survival game website, with exclusive access to be offered to bunny holders for the initial rollout of the game through the new site. Naturally, the game download will be optimized for both Mac and Windows downloads — no mobile integration with the first build, but these rabid rabbits can be pretty demanding, so who knows what may be in store.

A small group of community members (bunny holders) will be granted early access to the test build — stay tuned for info on how to earn early access and keep an eye on Discord for all the latest details and leaks. 👀

cgDAO & Governance Proposal #2

Smart Contract #2 involved CoinMarketCap’s defender, Captain Mark, proposing a solution to kickstart development and implementation efforts for the hero of many faces. This vote attracted over 500k CGG in voting power! Governance facilitates a pathway to actively engage CGG token holders in crucial decision-making processes; therefore, make sure to get engaged & involved in the cgDAO forums!

Star Contract #1 is being reworked with refined quorum frameworks and additional clarification details. Expect a re-proposal and subsequent voting period to commence soon. The ChainGuardians team is excited to bring $100k in rewards to the ecosystem. That said, a blockchain project’s potential is furthered by the community and supporters’ sentiment and perspectives — vote, discuss, debate, and Be a Guardian!

⚠ CGDAO Official Governance Portal

🧑‍⚖‍ CGDAO Governance Forum

📃 CGDAO Documentation

Pool Mining is back! Plus an ‘Airdrop’

Featuring a handful of new UI & UX upgrades and, most importantly, improved technological capabilities, the ChainGuardians NFT Pool Mining game is back!

Captain Devex NFT owners are in for a subtle Plunderdrop. Imperatively, the snapshot for these lucky owners was taken before NFT Pool Mining was disabled in early July. Keep an eye on the CG Discord Announcements, where we will update you on the status of these distributions!

Gather your Guardians, Captains, Lieutenants, and beyond — it’s mining time!

RPG Chat & Socialization 💭

What takes gamification and community growth to the next level? A chat system. Yeah, we’re doing that. Excitingly, a “world chat” and a player-to-player (whisper) UI has commenced development. Do you remember Trade Chat or General Chat in World of Warcraft? Perhaps /all in League of Legends? Enabling seamless in-game communication has always been on the to-do list; however, it’s now on the ‘we’re making it’ list!

Animations & Chibi Designs

Naturally, Captain Devex has taken his place at the center of attention due to the restoration of Pool Mining! It’s safe to say that there may be more than one leak in the GIF below. 👇

Additional characters involved in the redesign include Binancio, Bitsee, Shiko Dai, GenniB, Dasha, Seth, and Mudra — more to be shared in due time!

Cryptoverse’s Making a Metaverse Podcast new release

Listen to the new podcast from Cryptoverse that pulls back the curtain on the most exciting technological advancement of our time…

That’s it for this update — thank you for your patience last week as we had to delay the Bi-Weekly Guardians Update segment. More than ever is going on across the platforms comprising the Guardians ecosystem. For far more details than this update can possibly provide, please make sure to tune into the announcement channels and chats that provide up-to-the-minute details, tantalizing leaks, and the opportunity to participate in shaping the achievements that will grace future Ecosystem Updates!

Until next time,

CG Ecosystem Team ❤

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Written by ChainGuardians

A crypto-meets-anime NFT gaming ecosystem.

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