Buy and Claim Single Parcels with $CGG on Uniswap

4 min readNov 22, 2023


ChainGuardians pair LAND Claim Tokens with $CGG for swaps on Uniswap

To further enable new and current users to participate in ChainGuardians’ Metaverse, and Cryptoverse through holding land, ChainGuardians have seeded a $CGG:CVIP_SNL_CT (Single Parcel Claim Token) LP pair on Uniswap. This pool enables open decentralized trade of unredeemed Cryptoverse LAND tokens, unleashing market dynamics and creating value in ChainGuardians’ flagship Metaverse project.

Introducing the $CGG:CVIP_SNL_CT (Single Parcel Claim Token) Liquidity Pool on Uniswap

The Cryptoverse Single Parcel Claim Token (CVIP_SNL_CT) enables the holder to select and claim land in the ChainGuardians Metaverse. Seeding the $CGG:CVIP_SNL_CT Uniswap pair facilitates the open exchange of Cryptoverse Single Parcel Claim Tokens in the following ways (all transactions on Polygon):

  • Use $CGG tokens to buy CVIP_SNL_CT Single Land Claim Tokens at lowest fees: $CGG to CVIP_SNL_CT
  • Use other tokens ($MATIC, $WETH….) to buy CVIP_SNL_CT: MATIC to CVIP_SNL_CT
  • Sell CVIP_SNL_CT for $CGG or other tokens

The public unredeemed circulating supply of CVIP_SNL_CT is 2,605 as of November 19, 2023. The maximum supply, based on currently sharded Parcels, is 264,789. Seeded LP supply of CVIP_SNL_CT is 5,155.

Holders may use Single Parcel Claim Tokens to select and mint LAND. All previously minted LAND NFTs have been distributed. Anyone who has yet to claim their land using their Claim Tokens may do so from the revamped interactive claim map from either the Land Map menu on

Guide on How to Mint Land on the Interactive Claim Map Video

How to use the Uniswap LAND Token Pool

The Uniswap $CGG / LAND Token pool enables quick and inexpensive swaps on Polygon in just a few easy steps:

  1. Navigate to the $CGG:CVIP_SNL_CT Uniswap pool on Polygon (Note: Use standard caution and avoid linking from socials, and DMs etc.)
  2. Accept the standard warning for infrequently swapped assets
  3. Choose the desired counter-token and the desired number of LAND Tokens and
  4. Confirm the permission to spend your tokens (if necessary) and the swap

(Switch to Polygon for $CGG:CVIP_SNL_CT Uniswap Pool)

(Choose the desired counter-token and the desired number of LAND Tokens)

User-held LAND Tokens may be swapped for other tokens on Polygon from the same interface. Users may swap with $CGG for lowest fees. $CGG on Polygon is available from Uniswap. $CGG may be bridged through the cBridge.

Relevant Contracts:

  • CVIP_SNL_CT: 0x86ecd87a384D623f34230f283362948bf5904147
  • $CGG Polygon: 0x2ab4f9ac80f33071211729e45cfc346c1f8446d5

Already Minted and Looking for Buyers?

Have land you would like to sell? We hear you and wish to acknowledge a situation of low liquidity during the present market.

To alleviate this situation, the core ChainGuardians team is working on a liquidate and claim function that will enable land holders to liquidate land for $CGG at a discount, allowing any liquidated land to be picked up by others at a premium. The liquidate function is planned for release in Q1 of 2024.

Cooperating with our Community for a Decentralized Future

With an increasing focus on the CGDAO, ChainGuardians have accelerated our evolution as a decentralized ecosystem, leading the way to a future in which every voice truly matters. By providing greater ease of exchange of the land tokens underlying active participation in the Cryptoverse, the core ChainGuardians team reaffirm our commitment to providing the community the tools with which to build the Metaverse experience of their dreams.

Visit us through the links provided below for more information and to participate in ChainGuardians’ vision for a decentralized future.

About ChainGuardians

ChainGuardians is the world’s first blockchain-meets-superheroes ecosystem. Our vision is to achieve mass adoption in Blockchain Gaming through evolved NFT use cases, collaborations, cutting-edge technological advancements, world-class art, and immersive game experiences.

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About Cryptoverse

Cryptoverse by ChainGuardians is a 3D virtual world experience built in Unreal Engine 5. Underpinned by blockchain technologies, users will be able to create, own, govern, and monetize their experiences in vibrant virtual environments and economies.

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Written by ChainGuardians

A crypto-meets-anime NFT gaming ecosystem.

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