Guardians Ecosystem Update: August 10th
ChainGuardians Governance is (almost) here!
Quorums. Security Board. Voting Logistics. Proposals. If none of the aforementioned language makes sense yet, it will soon! The ChainGuardians team is working hard to implement and establish Governance frameworks in a fun and educational manner. It is with great pleasure that we announce that, pending last-minute occurrences, Governance is moving toward being unveiled this month.
The Voting Framework will be off-chain through Snapshot. A user’s voting power (VP) is calculated from their $CGG balance at the timestamp or block on which the Snapshot poll was taken. For simplicity’s sake, 1 $CGG token = 1 VP.
In preparation for the implementation of the ChainGuardians Governance platform, $CGG holders are encouraged to educated themselves on governance structures and basic voting measures to maximize their voting power and decentralized inputs!
Compound, Decentraland, and ENS have created several pieces of educational material on Governance — you can bet your Kumabaggus that ChainGuardians will publish material native to our platform in due time. The above reading material provides an excellent place to look to get a head start.
Pool Mining and Database Upgrades
“Where is Pool Mining?!” The ChainGuardians tech team has ascertained that now is a splendid time to upgrade our database structures ahead of significant changes. Essentially, we have been working on migrating all of the data to a new database format. The efforts on this front will provide a 5–10X performance bump and significantly reduce costs for all our current and future services.
In the case of this upgrade, it involves transferring millions of rows of data to the new database. The estimated time of completion is approximately one week.
RPG Chibi Updates & Future Vision
In the Ecosystem Survey, several gamers commented their desire for a visual and artistic upgrade. Spoiler alert: it has been underway and is happening! This is just one of many sketches looking to make an appearance in the coming RPG updates. Of course, the visual upgrade focus doesn’t JUST include in-game character art reworks. In the last article, we hinted at a new bearish addition and a UI overhaul.
As a team, we haven’t done the best job at meeting critical timeframes. Let’s pause for a second. It’s important to understand WHY that is the case. Blockchain gaming front-end and back-end infrastructure isn’t easy to align. Add to that database management, metadata syncs, game design, on-chain/off-chain interactions, and many other items. If NFT gaming was easy, we’d already see the most prominent AAA studios pushing games to production.
Is this an excuse? No. Absolutely not. We are constantly working to refine our processes and to improve our operational frameworks. Bottom line: we’re looking to publish material on the future vision of the RPG in a comprehensive update; however, providing accurate and refined timeframes and sets of expectations are important to us. We’re working diligently on this matter.
Zombunnies are beginning to Zombunify
Recently we discussed that Zombunnies are rising from the graves this coming October! Noi Sackda, Lead Artist for Zombunnies, has recently reworked existing art models and is nearing asset completion. When we started working on Zombunnies, we wanted to commence creation with a few points in mind:
- Create the art with a genuine profile picture focus. That means you’ll be rocking the dopest art around while also enjoying your Zombunnies’ most distinct features.
- Deliver an artistic combination and theme that drops jaws. Zombies + Bunnies — the potential is limitless. One reason for the October timeframe is rather simple: allow enough time to go the extra artistic mile.
- Promote the ChainBunnies collection in preparation for the event. Cool stuff is coming. See below.
ChainBunnies will BLOW your mind!
If you haven’t seen this yet, go look. Something big is looming on the horizon. By something big, I mean that we’ve been working on something incognito for a while. Holding a ChainBunny has always provided you with a special ticket. The crazy bunnies have had crazy utilities: we put over $200k up for grabs, raffled whitelistings to some of the best upcoming projects, committed to additions within the Cryptoverse, and more. Nonetheless, 2022 is a new year — with a new year comes a new utility.
Join the ChainGuardians Discord and ask how you can join the ChainBunnies alpha channel to stay up to date with the most recent information.
ChainBoost Consumer Protection Guidelines
ChainBoost is finalizing consumer protection measures to facilitate consumer safety and security around project launches. A proposal has been drafted and presented to the ChainBoost project review and legal teams. If approved, the items will be added to the service agreements (contracts) to ensure the compliance of future projects launched on ChainBoost and of internal review measures. We will provide an article on the complete framework upon approval and implementation.
TLDR: ChainBoost is implementing specific guidelines to protect consumers better.
Cryptoverse Experiences features new games & experiences
Cryptoverse has unveiled our brand new blockchain app platform designed to make it easier for players to access cutting-edge blockchain gaming, shopping, and social experiences in a single place.
Cryptoverse Experiences is the ambitious Metaverse’s answer to Steam, creating a secure platform built on blockchain on which game developers, brands, and creative community members can publish in order to accelerate their entry into the Metaverse.
In essence, the development of Cryptoverse Experiences allows developers and consumers to converge, interact, and prepare their Cryptoverse experiences before the Cryptoverse is live!
Read the full announcement here.
Cryptoverse Development Series is live!
Metaverse. In some contexts it has become a convoluted buzzword used to shill unrelated products due to its highly valuable SEO factor and ‘Meta’ association. Let’s revisit what a Metaverse is — a 3D virtual world underpinned by blockchain technology.
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to genuinely build the future of technology, experiences, interactions, and beyond? We’ve recently commenced the Cryptoverse Development Series, a Behind The Scenes (BTS) series illustrating the various aspects of creating the Cryptoverse.
See the first post here.